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About Us
Welcome to Kidane-Mehret Ge’ez Rite Ethiopian Catholic Parish. We are based in the Archdiocese of Washington, where we were established in 1984 as a parish for Ge’ez Rite Catholics.
Our mission is to build a Catholic Church that welcomes everyone, a church that carries the "Trinitarian Mission", which is the mission of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and a church that preserves our faith and pass it to the next generation.
The parish has survived migrating from place to place for 35 years and has seen the number of parishioners increase significantly during this time. With the help of God and the intercessions of our Mother Kidane-Mehret and the care of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, the Ethiopian Catholic community is now working to be self-sufficient and to have its own place within the Archdiocese of Washington, DC in the near future.
Under new Parish Pastor Rev. Abayneh Gebremichael, the parishioners have the following Pastoral services:
The Divine Liturgy (Mass) in Ge’ez and Amharic on Sundays and major feast days.
Sacrament Administration (baptism for infants, First Confession, First Communion, and Confirmation to the parish children and penance to adults, wedding, validation of civil marriage in the church, anointing of the sick, and funeral masses).
Religious Education (religious formation and sacramental preparation of parish children, youth ministry, marriage preparation and instruction for engaged couples, group retreats, and Bible studies)
Cultural Education for Parish Children (introduction and teaching to their culture, their alphabets, the history and the richness of the Ethiopian Rite)
Religious Prayer Groups such as The LibeYesus Mahber (The Sacred Heart League), The Libe Mariam Mahber (The Immaculate Heart of Mary), The Kidus Antonios Mahber (St. Anthony Bread for the Poor), The Kidane Mehret Mahber (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) and the Rosary Prayer Group.