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Our Ministries
Grow with us and serve!
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
[1 Peter 4:10]

It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Washington that couples proposing to marry must first contact, or see, a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the date on which they intend to marry for Marriage Preparation classes. All Catholics are bound to observe the laws of the Church concerning marriage.
Call the Kidane-Mehret office at (202) 756-2756 to schedule a Marriage Preparation class.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School teaches important truth about the Catholic faith. In addition, children will get a chance to develop their Amharic language skills and learn how to read and write using the Ethiopian Alphabet.
Call the Kidane-Mehret office at (202) 756-2756 to enroll.

Liturgical Ministries
Our Liturgical Ministries include Sacristans who prepare vestments that is needed for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the sacraments including baptismal of children, Bible Readers, that read Sunday Bible readings during Mass and retreat and Ushers that welcome parishioners warmly with a greeting, arrange prayer books and bulletins, collect offerings, and ensure an orderly flow during Holy Communion and organize the church.

Choir Ministry
The Choir is a great opportunity to serve God and it's an effective way to nurture our spiritual growth. Please join us for Choir practice every Wednesday from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM.

Mass Intention
The donation for a Mass intention is $25.00.
Call the Kidane-Mehret office at (202) 756-2756 to request a mass intention and choose an available date.

Altar Servers (Deaconate) Ministry
The Altar Servers assist the priest during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

Prayer Ministry
The prayer ministry consists of, The LibeYesus Mahber (The Sacred Heart League), The Libe Mariam Mahber (The Immaculate Heart of Mary), The Kidus Antonios Mahber (St. Anthony Bread for the Poor), The Kidane Mehret Mahber (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) and the Rosary Prayer Group. Each prayer groups pray the rosary in the respective months with a celebration of mass and celebrate the Feast Days. They arrange retreats and pilgrimages. Contact them if you have a prayer request.